Precious Metals
From the Miners who Collect Raw Pieces of Gold to the Smelter that Creates Dore Bars and Bullions
Various documents shall be exchanged between the Seller and Buyer, however a security instrument must be established.
Payment Guarantee - Escrow, IOLTA, Banking Instrument
Gold will be ASSAY'd before it leaves it's origin and Gold will be ASSAY'd at destination refinery
Payment shall be via MT103/TT after ASSAY at destination refinery and per the ASSAY report.
Lot's of Buyers have asked us to "Bring the Gold", we will Assay and Pay. That is simply not possible, there are many expenses that surround a Gold Transaction including but not limited to Export, Transport, and Security.
You pay per the agreed upon price per Kg and Purity level - The ASSAY report will tell us exactly all the details for Payment.
You want GOLD? We can deliver, however you must follow our SOP. We can start with a Trial and ramp up to larger quantities.